Microbiome Affects Autoimune Disease, Alzheimer and Autism. Take Care Your Gut Microbiome With Love Biome Products The Daily 3 System.
When I was a little boy, my mother taught me to wash my hands after using the restroom. After flushing, I turned to see what was happening and said, “You better wash your hands.”
You see, I used to have a small dog or puppy. When I saw what came out of his corpse, I thought, “Boy, I better wash my hands. If I walk in it.”
I listened to everything my mother told me about germs, how harmful they were, and the importance of regularly washing your hands.
When I was older, I attended medical school, where we used a microscope. We examined these microorganisms and listened to tales of how they spark pandemics and result in widespread fatalities.
And then antibiotics came aboard and now we could actually stamp out these epidemics of these bad germs. And then all of a sudden I started hearing about the good bugs, and I’d go, what’s that?
As we begin to look at the actual genetics, this was the breakthrough that allowed us to actually understand our microbiome particularly in our GI track.
Because when I was just looking at it through a microscope it was very limited you could only see you just certain kinds.
But now with that we could actually genetically look at this, this all started about 10 years ago and many of you are familiar with this.
When they started looking at the genetics of the human, what are the genes, how many genes ,what are the genes that we have through incredible research, it became apparent that we actually had like 26,000 genes.
And I thought wow, that’s really cool and everybody was studying the genes and this was really wonderful. Until they started studying the genes of a rice plant, the rice plant had 46,000 genes, what’s that?
I mean, we’re only 26 and they’re 46. So this was very humbling to say that the rice plant was more sophisticated than humans. So then about 5 years ago everybody got busy and they started to do the genome of the bacteria that resides inside of our body.
Guess how many genes there are there? 100,000 genes. And so we begin to look at what are these bugs, who are these, what are these, so there’s like a hundred trillion of them.
When we think of our body’s cells, our biome describes 90% of them, while we are just 10%.
So, we just heard how beautiful it is to stare at the stars and be humbled, but I would argue that we probably simply need to look inside ourselves and be truly humbled.
Because “the other” is much more. These genes are amazing; there are over a thousand different variations.
When we look at the species, it’s amazing how diversified this entire habitat, this entire biome is, and how it all exists in some just humble you and me.
So, we start doing the things that this ecosystem truly does for us. We usually associate fermentation with a microbrewery, but in fact, these bugs are currently fermenting in our right colon.
Because this has a lot of positive effects and produces around the same amount of beer per day.
These short chain fatty acids are produced during this fermentation process and are quite significant.
Because our immune system depends on these short chain fatty acids, breeding a small mouse without a biome makes the animal extremely susceptible to illnesses and other problems.
And so in many ways this is quite dramatic, and we wonder where does this biome come from? Because the little human when he’s just inside the uterus he doesn’t have a lot of bugs.
This is kind of incoming in question here like right now, but so far we’ve always thought of it being kind of sterile inside. But when this little child goes through the birth canal and breastfed, that is where the microbiome starts.
This is critical to the life of this child, and our C-section babies and our babies that don’t get breastfed this is very difficult. So now in modern places in the hospitals that understand this.
Vaginal swabs are used to place in the child’s cheek and mouth if a C-section is required to deliver the baby so that the child can become a microbiome-positive creature and build an immune system. This is crucial, then.
So, fermentation does have a sort of positive aspect, but it also has a detrimental side.
And this is where keep in mind that, like much of life, there must be a balance between all these cells and the countless varieties of bacteria.
And we refer to it as a dysbiosis when they are not balanced. We discover that it starts to spread disease when that starts to happen.
Some of you may truly have irritable bowel syndrome, which you are all familiar with. You are aware of the likes of diarrhea, constipation, and cramping in the abdomen.
You are aware of colitis and have heard of colitis sufferers. These kind of issues occur when there is a disbiosis and an imbalance between beneficial and harmful insects.
We’re now learning that a variety of autoimmune conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, may in fact be linked to an imbalance in our microbiome. Autoimmune Disease and the Microbiome
So another thing that are bugs do is they harvest calories. Now if you strving to death and you’re having to eat a lot of grasses and grains and things that have a lot of fiber. Your body can only absorb a certain number of calories can’t absorb normally any calories from fiber, fiber is just goes down to the biome.
And the biome actually will harvest from the fiber an extra 10 to 15% of the calories from that food. This is how humanity is survived very very severe circumstances.
And the biome will really extract an additional 10 to 15% of the calories from that diet from the fiber. This is how people have persevered under really difficult conditions.
However, there are both positive and negative aspects, and when we examine the entire obese region, we discover that most people are overweight. Does anyone have a calorie deficit?
Therefore, we are no longer starving and we are not living in a cave. Therefore, this good thing could ultimately turn harmful.
These particular bugs are known as fermecutes, and they are a large family group that gathers extra calories.
Therefore, when we really examine the biomes of people who are overweight or who have diabetes, we find that they typically contain a greater proportion of this fermecutes family.